Win a Free 1:1 Session With The HPS 14 Day Self Love Workout Challenge


I’m a hopeless romantic who love's Valentine’s Day…but I also know the most important relationship we have is the one we have with ourselves.

This giveaway/self-love and workout challenge is designed to give you a moment each day just for you to slow down and practice self compassion. When we are regularly kind to ourselves, it shows up not just in our mood and overall happiness, but also in the way we treat others. My favorite part of all, though, is that when we associate self care and appreciation with exercise, it changes how to feel about it. Exercise can become a positive experience that you start to look forward to when we stop viewing it as something we HAVE to do, but instead as something we GET to do.

To win a free 1:1 session:

1) Each day complete the designated self- love activity and HPS workout (if you’re not an HPS member- you can also do any of my IGTV workouts!)

2) Document your completion with a sweaty selfie or pic of each item and tag @helenvphelan and #hpsselflovechallenge on IG

3) Watch @helenvphelan’s stories on Feb 15th to find out the randomly chosen winner of a free 1:1 pilates session with me! (I’ll only be choosing from those who tagged me in their stories, otherwise I won’t know you’ve been playing along!)

The HPS Self Love Workout Challenge

  1. Wake up 30 minutes earlier than you usually do to have a cup of coffee or tea by yourself and meditate |Then, Book 7:30am EST Virtual Group Pilates or do an On Demand Pilates

  2. Put a cup of water by your bedside table at night and chug it first thing in the am— drink 2 if you drink coffee! Automate drinking water like you have automated brushing your teeth or washing your face in the am goes a long way in feeling awake and present, not to mention helps your skin glow! | Then, Do 1 HPS On Demand Pilates

  3. Set an alarm on your phone to stand once an hour and do walking lunges- WFH doesn’t suck as much when you’re hips aren’t tight! | Do 1 HPS On Demand Express Cardio or book the 6pm EST Virtual Group HILIT Pilates Class

  4. Turn off your devices 30-45 min before bed | HPS On Demand Pilates

  5. “Commute" to work from home with a morning walk | Then, do the Livestream 12pm EST on HPS or catch the replay

  6. Foam roll your whole body- go through the Release and Restore collection as a playlist, stopping on the spots where your own body needs the most love! | Then, do 1 HPS On Demand Express Cardio

  7. Community care is self care- make a donation to The Loveland Foundation or The Project Heal Treatment Equity Fund to celebrate Black History Month and help get BIPOC womxn get access to therapy and eating disorder recovery treatment. Every bit counts, even if it’s just your daily coffee money. | Then, do any 1 HPS On Demand Stretch or Rest Day

  8. Try a body scan meditation before your meals and snacks today- take note of how it makes you feel in your body and if you’re more appreciative about your food. | Then, do any 1 HPS On Demand Pilates

  9. Eat your favorite meal all the way to your fullness. Pay attention to what feels like a comfortable amount of full- describe it in detail in your journal. Sometimes we are so unconscious when we’re eating- watching Netflix or working through lunch- that we don’t notice if we’re still hungry or if we’ve eaten to the point of discomfort. Find what YOUR ideal fullness level is- the one that doesn’t make you feel sick or deprived. | Then, do 1 of any HPS On Demand Pilates

  10. Cuddle! It could be your partner, roommate, or dog, it doesn’t matter- hugging releases feel-good hormone oxytocin and gives you that warm- fuzzy feeling. | Then, do any 1 HPS On Demand Express Cardio or book 6pm EST Virtual Group HILIT Pilates Class

  11. Practice being grateful. It’s certainly been a tough year, but what is going right for you right now? Even if it’s something as simple as having a good hair day- drawing attention to the positive stuff helps make the bad stuff feel a little less bad. | Then, do 1 of Any HPS On Demand Pilates

  12. Free write with no agenda. Journaling can sometimes feel tedious, but you’d be suprised what comes up from deep in the back of your mind when you just start writing. It can help you find clarity and has lead to some of my most epic and healing epiphanies. | Then, do the Livestream 12pm EST on HPS or catch the replay

  13. Cook yourself dinner instead of ordering Seamless. I know, sometimes ordering take out IS self-care, but when we cook our own food, we develop a deeper relationship with it, and it can be really impactful in healing your relationship with eating. | Then, do any 1 HPS On Demand Express Cardio

  14. Watch this Ted talk in which neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt details how to live a less diet obsessed life, explains why diets don’t even work, how your brain manages your body, and lean into your intuition around health. TW: she uses the term ob*sity (video is from 2013). | Then, do any 1 HPS On Demand Stretch or Rest Day

If you’re not already a member of Helen Phelan Studio- get started today with a 10 day free trial!


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