10 Body Neutral New Year’s Resolutions For Your Healthiest and Happiest 2021

body neutral fitness goals

You know how I feel about intention setting- I’m all on board as long as we’re real about why we’re setting them and not letting diet culture influence what we factually know about health- aka that smaller is not always better.

This is a fun time of year to manifest change-and after the 2020 we all had- we are all READY for something new and different!

Instead of falling into the typical resolutions that we inevitably drop because spoiler; diet culture is unsustainable, let’s think about changes that will ACTUALLY make us feel our best.

How to make your resolutions body neutral

1) Instead of: “begin a new diet”

Try: “begin examining diet culture, my fat-phobia and the underlying reasons why I don’t feel happy with my body”.

2) Instead of: “eat less junk”

Try: “learn to follow my bodily intuition without restriction, I won’t feel compelled to “overdo” the fun foods (try to remove the moral ascription of good/bad) if I don’t feel like they are off limits”.

3) Instead of: “count all my calories”

Try: “count the things I’m grateful for about my body, to help me remember how worthy and loved I am just the way I am”.

4) Instead of: “limit a food group”

Try: “limit my exposure to the people who make me distrust/hate my own body”.

5) Instead of “eat only healthy foods”

Try, “eat what my body craves for satisfaction, but think about what I can add in, not remove to deliver as many nutrients as possible”.

6) Instead of: “detox the holiday treats”

Try: “detox your social media” so you’re not consuming content that makes you feel bad about yourself or is even scientifically wrong.

7) Instead of: “earn your dessert”

Try: “remind myself regularly that I am worthy no matter what my body looks like”.

8) Instead of: “get back to my high school weight”

Try: "get back in touch with relationships that suffered during lockdown”.

9) Instead of: “finally sculpt my muscles to perfection/get in shape”

Try: “sculpt a life I love by taking daily steps towards manifesting what I want”.

10) Instead of “work out daily no matter what- no pain no gain”

Try: “listen to my body and match my movement practice to align with my time, energy level and mood

If learning to enjoy your movement practice is something you’re looking to call in this year- Helen Phelan Studio workouts are filter-able by time, equipment, focus and intention so you can practice building your bodily intuition. Try it for free for 10 days here!


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